About Us

HV-Stoll with its head office in Burbach-Holzhausen was founded in 1972. At the time, the services provided by the company were focussed exclusively on our high-vacuum vaporized metal deposition process for technical and decorative applications.
In 1988 the company extended its range of services, adding industrial painting.
In 1992 a second plant was opened in Tabarz, Thuringia.
In 1998 the company moved from its rented premises into a newly built production facility specifically designed for industrial painting and vacuum metallizing purposes.
Today HV-Stoll GmbH is a certified company with 40 employees and offers a wide range of coatings. Our strengths include metallic hues on any printable material and the application of special-purpose paints, such as water-based paints, nanopaints, laser paints, soft-feel paints, leather-finish paints, piano paints, multilayer paint systems as well as specific solutions to customers’ special requirements.
Our applications are as varied as is our service and as are our product packages that allow us to meet all our customers’ requirements as a one-stop shop. No matter, whether the order is large or small, no matter, whether the coating is to be functional (e.g. electromagnetic shielding) or a decorative finish.
We consider every order a challenge, which we meet with our know-how and experience, speedily and reliably.